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Simone Dalla Bella
Magdalena Berkowska
Anita Białuńska
Jakub Sowiński (lab manager)
Anna Gruber
Beata Ułas
Dorota Cieślik
Ilona Laskowska
Wersja polska

Music Performance & Brain Lab

     Jakub Sowiński

Department of Cognitive Psychology
WSFiZ in Warsaw
Pawia Street 55
01-030 Warsaw 

jsowinski at 

PGP Public Key

Research interests

Jakub Sowiński is a Ph.D. candidate who joined the MPBLab in June 2005. He is interested in movement dynamics in music performance (using Motion Capture techniques), in sensorimotor synchronization with auditory stimuli (e.g. musical and non-musical stimuli) and in studying the origins of music from an evolutionary point of view.


Sowiński, J., Dalla Bella, S. (2013). Poor synchronization to the beat may result from deficient auditory-motor mapping. Neuropsychologia vol. 51, nr. 10

Dalla Bella, S., Bialunska, A., & Sowinski, J. (2013). Why movement is captured by music, but less by speech: Role of temporal regularity. PLOS One, 8(8).

Dalla Bella, S., Berkowska, M., & Sowiński, J. (in revision). Syncing and singing go together in humans.

Dalla Bella, S., Berkowska, M., & Sowinski, J. (2011). Disorders of pitch production in tone deafness. Frontiers in Psychology, 2: 164. 

Published abstracts 

Dalla Bella, S., Sowinski, J., & Farrugia, N. (2011). Lack of beat isochrony disrupts motor performance in a child drummer prodigy. BIO Web of Conferences 1, 00019.

Dalla Bella, S., & Sowinski, J. (2010). IF – a 5-year-old drummer prodigy. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition.

Sowinski, J., Dalla Bella, S., & Laskowska, I. (2009). Sensorimotor synchronization in IF, a 5-year-old drummer prodigy. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology.

Dalla Bella, S., Białuńska, A., & Sowiński, J. (2006). Captured by music, less by speech. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 235.

Research presentations

Dalla Bella, S., Sowinski, J., & Farrugia, N. (2011). Lack of Beat Isochrony Disrupts Motor Performance in a Child Drummer Prodigy. Oral presentation, “The International Conference of the European SKILLS Project”, Montpellier (France), December 15-16.

Sowiński J., Farrugia N., & Dalla Bella S. (2011). Effect of beat isochrony and motor entrainment on music performance in a child drummer prodigy. Poster, "13th International Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop". Leipzig (Germany), 13-15 July.

Sowiński J., Farrugia N. i Dalla Bella S. (2011). Costs and benefits of beat entrainment in drum performance: a single case. Poster, "The Neurosciences and Music - IV: Learning and Memory." Edinburgh (Scotland), 9-12 June.

Berkowska M., Sowiński J., Farrugia N., Laskowska I. i Dalla Bella S. (2011). Learning of strong and weak metrical patterns in a child drummer prodigy. Poster, "The Neurosciences and Music - IV: Learning and Memory." Edinburgh (Scotland), 9-12 June.

Farrugia N., Sowiński J., Berkowska M., Benoit C.-E., Laskowska I. i Dalla Bella S. (2011). Phase correction response in a child drummer prodigy when synchronizing with music. Poster, "The Neurosciences and Music - IV: Learning and Memory." Edinburgh (Scotland), 9-12 June.

Dalla Bella, S., & Sowinski, J. (2010). IF – a 5-year-old drummer prodigy. Oral communication, “11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition”, Seattle (USA), August 23-27.

Dalla Bella, S., & Sowinski, J. (2009). In sync to sound: When it works and when it does not.  Oral presentation, “Workshop on Synchronization in music and speech”, Free University of Brussels, Brussels (Belgium), November 13-14.

Sowiński, J., Dalla Bella, S., i Laskowska, I. (2009). Sensorimotor synchronization in IF, a 5-year-old drummer prodigy. Poster, “5th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM09)”, Paris, (France), October 26-29.

Sowinski, J., Dalla Bella, S., & Laskowska, I. (2009). Timing abilities in a child drummer prodigy (IF). Poster, “7th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music”, Jyväskylä, (Finland), August 12-16.

Sowiński, J
., & Dalla Bella, S. (2008). Brains out of sync, but still in tune. Poster, “The Neurosciences and Music III”, Montreal (Canada), June 25-28.

Berkowska, M., Sowinski, J. & Dalla Bella, S. (2007). A.Z.: A case of purely vocal tone-deafness. Poster, “Warsaw Workshop on Music and The Brain”, Warsaw (Poland), June 21-22.

Dalla Bella, S., Białuńska, A., & Sowinski, J. (2006). Captured by music, less by speech. Oral presentation, “9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition”, Bologna (Italy), August 22-26.

Last updated: 01.02.2012