Zainteresowania naukowe
Jakub Sowiński jest pretendentem do stopnia
doktora, który dołączył do MPBLab w czerwcu 2005 roku. Jest
dynamiką ruchu w wykonaniu muzycznym (pracuje z systemem Motion
Capture), synchronizacją senso-motoryczną z bodźcami słuchowymi (np.
muzyczne i
nie-muzyczne) oraz badaniami dotyczącymi początków muzyki z
ewolucyjnego punktu
Sowiński, J., Dalla Bella, S. (2013). Poor synchronization to the beat may result from deficient auditory-motor mapping. Neuropsychologia vol. 51, nr. 10
Bella, S., Bialunska, A., & Sowinski, J. (2013). Why movement
is captured by music, but less by speech: Role of temporal regularity.
PLOS One, 8(8).
Dalla Bella, S., Berkowska,
M., & Sowiński,
J. (w trakcie rewizji).
Syncing and singing go
together in humans.
Dalla Bella, S., Berkowska,
M., & Sowinski,
J. (2011). Disorders of
pitch production in tone deafness.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2: 164.
Opublikowane streszczenia
Bella, S., Sowinski,
J., & Farrugia, N. (2011).
Lack of beat isochrony disrupts motor performance in a child drummer
prodigy. BIO Web of
Conferences 1, 00019.
Bella, S., & Sowinski, J. (2010). IF – a
5-year-old drummer
prodigy. Proceedings of
the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and
Sowinski, J.,
Bella, S., & Laskowska, I. (2009). Sensorimotor synchronization
in IF, a 5-year-old drummer prodigy. Proceedings
of the 5th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology.
Bella, S., Białuńska, A., & Sowiński, J. (2006).
Captured by
music, less by speech. Proceedings
of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition,
Prezentacje badań
Bella, S., Sowinski,
J., & Farrugia, N. (2011). Lack of Beat Isochrony
Motor Performance in a Child Drummer Prodigy. Oral
presentation, “The
International Conference of the European SKILLS Project”, Montpellier
(France), December 15-16.
Sowiński J.,
N., & Dalla Bella S. (2011). Effect of beat isochrony and motor
entrainment on music performance in a child drummer prodigy. Poster,
"13th International Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop". Leipzig
(Germany), 13-15 July.
Sowiński J.,
N. i Dalla Bella S. (2011). Costs and benefits of beat entrainment in
drum performance: a single case. Poster, "The Neurosciences and Music -
IV: Learning and Memory." Edinburgh (Scotland), 9-12 June.
Berkowska M., Sowiński J.,
Farrugia N., Laskowska I. i Dalla Bella S. (2011). Learning of strong
and weak metrical patterns in a child drummer prodigy. Poster,
"The Neurosciences and
Music - IV: Learning and Memory." Edinburgh (Scotland), 9-12 June.
Farrugia N., Sowiński J.,
Berkowska M., Benoit C.-E., Laskowska I. i Dalla Bella S. (2011). Phase
correction response in a child drummer prodigy when synchronizing with
music. Poster,
"The Neurosciences and Music - IV: Learning and Memory." Edinburgh
(Scotland), 9-12 June.
Bella, S., & Sowinski,
J. (2010). IF – a 5-year-old drummer prodigy. Oral
communication, “11th International Conference on Music Perception and
Cognition”, Seattle (USA), August 23-27.
Bella, S., & Sowinski,
J. (2009). In sync to sound: When it works and when it
does not. Oral
presentation, “Workshop on Synchronization
in music and speech”, Free
University of Brussels, Brussels (Belgium), November 13-14.
Sowiński, J., Dalla
Bella, S., i Laskowska, I. (2009). Sensorimotor synchronization in IF,
a 5-year-old drummer prodigy. Poster, “5th Conference on
Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM09)”, Paris, (France), October 26-29.
J., Dalla
Bella, S., & Laskowska,
(2009). Timing abilities in a child drummer prodigy (IF). Poster, “7th
Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences
of Music”, Jyväskylä, (Finland), August 12-16.
J., & Dalla Bella, S.
(2008). Brains out of sync, but still in tune. Poster,
“The Neurosciences and Music III”, Montreal
(Canada), June 25-28.
Berkowska, M., Sowinski,
J. & Dalla Bella, S.
(2007). A.Z.: A case of purely vocal tone-deafness. Poster,
“Warsaw Workshop on Music and The Brain”, Warsaw
(Poland), June 21-22.
Dalla Bella, S., Białuńska, A., & Sowinski,
(2006). Captured by music, less by speech. Oral presentation,
“9th International Conference on Music Perception and
Cognition”, Bologna (Italy), August 22-26.